Dayana Blanco Quiroga

Dayana Blanco Quiroga is an Aymara Indigenous woman from Oruro, Bolivia, and the first Indigenous professional woman in her family. She co-founded the Uru Uru Team— an initiative focused on saving Uru Uru Lake from harmful pollution through Indigenous traditional knowledge. The lake is a vital source of life for the surrounding Indigenous communities and is under threat from mining and wastewater run-off. The Uru Uru Team seeks to use Indigenous traditional knowledge to address these local environmental challenges and spread awareness of these harmful practices and industries. Dayana and Ur Dayana’s Future Rising Project will be a multicultural and bilingual graphic novel, with both Aymara native dialect and English, to tell the story of Uru Uru Lake from Aymara ancestors to the present day. The book explains the environmental threats to the lake and highlights the work of the Uru Uru Team to restore a collective understanding of the lake’s importance for the community.

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