Leticia Tituaña

Leticia Tituaña is an indigenous woman, identifying with the Kichwa-Otavalo people and living in the Andean region of Ecuador. She is the founder of WARMI STEM, an organization that provides training and support for young indigenous women to pursue careers in STEM. She was the first in her community to go to college, graduating in 2021 from Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) with a degree in chemical engineering. She now aims to combine her engineering education with her ancestral knowledge to create scalable artificial wetlands that will protect the water supply to her village. Lety’s Future Rising project is a long-form essay that tells the stories of young, female, indigenous scientists. These narratives have been used to raise funds to support her organization to ensure that indigenous women are active participants in a just transition to a new green economy.

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