Sarah Caldwell Smith

SARAH CALDWELL SMITH (Mabel, Soprano) has performed the full G&S canon with NYGASP! Ms. Smith’s principal roles include Mabel (The Pirates of Penzance), Yum-Yum (The Mikado), Rose Maybud (Ruddigore), Gianetta (The Gondoliers), and Constance (The Sorcerer), among others. Sarah also tours with NYGASP’s award-winning cabaret, I’ve Got a Little Twist! NYC: City Center Encores! (Music in the Air), VHRP LIVE! (title roles in Mademoiselle ModisteNaughty Marietta, and The Fortune Teller, Grace Holbrook in The Princess Pat, and Gretchen in The Red Mill), Blondchen (Die Entführung aus dem Seraglio). Graduate of Manhattan School of Music and NYGASP’s Asimov Award Recipient. Love to Daniel, Cora, and Elsie.

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