carlos encinias

Debut Westport Country Playhouse: hombre de la mancha. Carlos is originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico and studied Theatre at BYU. Broadway: los Miserables (Feuilly), Mamma Mia (u/s Eddie/Father A), Scandalous (Ramon), Good Vibrations (u/s Jan/Class Pres.). Off-Broadway: Altar Boyz (Juan/Abe/Mark), Mapmaker’s Opera (Roberto). Regional: Evita (Che) at Phoenix Theatre, Christmas Story (u/s Santa Claus) at Papermill, I Am Anne Hutchison/Harvey Milk at Strathamore with Kristen Chenoweth and Andrew Lippa, world premiere of Vices: A Love Story (Man 1) at Caldwell Theatre Company, Cenicienta (Prince) at Sundance Theatre.

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