Jueves 1 de mayo a las 19 h.
Ailey II – La próxima generación de la danza

Ailey II: The Next Generation of Dance

There’s nothing like an evening spent with Ailey II, the younger version of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.” –The New York Times

For over 50 years, Ailey IIThe Next Generation of Dance – has merged the spirit and energy of the country’s finest early-career dance talent with the passion and creative vision of today’s most outstanding and emerging choreographers. Founded by Alvin Ailey in 1974, this universally renowned company embodies his pioneering mission to establish an extended cultural community that provides dance performances, training, and community programs for all people. Under the leadership of Sylvia Waters, who served as artistic director for 38 seasons, Ailey II flourished into one of the most popular modern dance companies, combining a rigorous touring schedule with extensive community outreach programs. Today, with Artistic Director Francesca Harper at the helm, she brings fresh perspectives to Mr. Ailey’s legacy, while nurturing new creative voices and propelling the company forward.

The 2024-25 repertory features two world premieres by former Ailey II member Alia Kache and by Houston Thomas, as well as repertory favorites and beloved classics. This season also celebrates the life and legacy of beloved Artistic Director Emerita Judith Jamison.

This season, eight new dancers—Carley Brooks, Meredith Brown, Jennifer M. Gerken, Xavier Logan, Xhosa Scott, Darion Tuner, Eric J. Vidaña, and Jordyn White—join the four returning members Alfred L. Jordan II, Kiri Moore, Corinth Moulterie, and Kayla Mei-Wan Thomas.



What people are saying about Ailey II

Off-the-charts energy."

El neoyorquino

The entire company looks terrific. Clearly, the future is theirs."

Los New York Times

Second to none."

Dance Magazine

Wow factor aplenty. . ."

Herald Scotland

More about the company



El patrocinio de la temporada y la programación de 2024 es proporcionado generosamente por Bárbara Streicker.

El patrocinio de medios para la temporada 2023 es proporcionado generosamente por Medios de comunicaciónRadio pública WSHU.

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Jueves 1 de mayo a las 19 h.
Ailey II – La próxima generación de la danza
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