Submit your photo

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In anticipation of Native Gardens, we’d love to see a photo of your garden! Whether it’s a cherished potted plant indoors, a vibrant flower bed, or a homegrown vegetable patch, send it to us so we can share it!

Why share your garden?

As you will see in the production of Native Gardens, plants hold a significant role in both the visual and symbolic aspects of the story. They represent not only the physical environment in which the characters interact but also the underlying themes of cultural differences, personal boundaries, and the complexities of relationships. Throughout the production, the careful selection and placement of plants highlight these deeper connections, making the garden itself a character of its own.

Sharing a photo of your plant not only lets you showcase your green thumb but also connects you with others who appreciate the beauty and joy that plants bring to our lives. It’s a way to create a sense of community among plant enthusiasts like Frank Butley and Tania Del Valle (who you’ll soon get to meet in Native Gardens). By sharing, you create a sense of community among plant enthusiasts, allowing everyone to learn from each other, build a shared appreciation for nature, and possibly inspire others to start their own gardening journey… without creating a backyard battle!

Where to send your photo?

Direct message us through Facebook at Westport Country Playhouse or Instagram @wcplayhouse.

Your photo will be shared on our social media platforms, e-blasts, and in our lobby throughout the show!



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