New Works at the Playhouse! A unique opportunity to see a developmental reading of a new play and meet an emerging young playwright
Be in the room for the reading of Quick Service, on the Playhouse stage!
Quick Service is a play about the precarities of the food service industry, set in an empanada shop in Chicago. Four employees try to make it through the dinner rush as something sinister rises up from the basement, ex-coworkers enact their revenge, and the oven has a mind of its own.
interested in supporting new work?

“May [Treuhaft-Ali] is the perfect example of a writer we should be celebrating and supporting. Her work is making waves across the country, and we are proud to develop Quick Service as part of our New Works Initiative. If you’ve ever worked in a takeout restaurant, like May or I have, you’ll understand just the kind of mayhem that’s possible. That mayhem makes the perfect premise of this uniquely funny and charming play, which you’re not going to want to miss.”
-Liam Lonegan
Assistant Artistic Director
About the The New Works Initiative
The mission of New Works Initiative (NWI) is to provide a space for the incubation of plays, musicals, and other works of theater, the development of which are important not only to our stage, but to the vitality of the larger art form.
Through an influx of rehearsals, readings, and workshops each season, the NWI provides an artistic home to writers and theater makers, offering the resources and support necessary to further the growth of their works. As a thriving theatrical institution, we have a responsibility to support artists who strive to break new ground and the scope of the American theater. Learn more about our New Works Initiative.
The New Works Initiative program is only possible due to the generosity of Marietta Battaglia White, Athena & Daniel Adamson, Burry Fredrik Foundation, Laurents/Hatcher Foundation, and Lucille Lortel Foundation.
For this playreading and playreadings in the Script in Hand series, masks are strongly encouraged but not required. Current CDC guidelines recommend N95 and KN95 masks. Please review our full safety protocols here. Please review our full safety protocols here.
Quick Service show art by Molly Flanagan Design
directed by Cristina Angeles